Monday, April 29, 2013

Learn to play Golf -Golf Swing - Sports

You know how to hold the club, you know and understand the basics, and where to stand, but you still cant get that great seamlessly swing time after time. I am going to explain the value of stretching, grip, body posture, and swing.

is possible prior to any game is spend about 15-20 minutes to do dynamic stretches to loosen up your muscles - do toe touches, alternate toe touches, partial squats, neck stretches, forearm/wrist extension/flexion, and lower back/trunk rotations. You should constantly be moving throughout your game, people complain about lower back and shoulder pain, doing this will help your muscles and joints from stiffing up later in the game, and will also keep your swing stable during your game.

There are three kinds of grips the Overlap, Baseball Grip, and Interlock. If the grip you are using feels stiff and uncomfortable, try another one. It all comes down to which of these grips feel more fluid and natural. The ideal grip will allow you to have power and control over the target. This means you need to be able to have a good feel with the grip that you finally settle on. Ideally the grip should be controlled by the fingers, but some people rotate their hand all the way around so that the palm essentially controls the swing.

Having a great golf stance is the foundation and essential for a perfect swing. It creates balance and support and its the framework that a perfect swing is built on, the entire outcome of your shot will depend on how well your bearing is.A good posture does not guarantee success, you still have to work on your swing, both body and club have to work together.

The perfect swing but first let me say that the other guy's perfect swing may not work for you. The swing is fundamentally the same from address to finish, there's still some distinction, mechanics, and personality in each person swing. An example would be to try and mimic some of the best players in the sport, it will most likely not work for you because most of them have attuned their swing to make up for their physical limitations. Everyone's joints and muscles are different thus, physical limitations.

If you want to cure your slice/fade you'll have to identify what part of your golf swing that is causing the club to leave the face open on impact. There's a whole list of variables that can cause you to slice/fade, your grip might be to strong or weak... could be a golf equipment problem, you could be turning the hips and chest to the target before you hit the ball, or you've probably made it a habit if you played for an extended period of time and its stamped in your swing. There's virtually tons of free and inexpensive articles, literature, and videos on the internet that can show you how to cure your slice. But reading, watching every article, books, and videos in the world wont help if you don't get out in the practice range and... practice! You could also get a professional to analyze your swing to help you.


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